How to Make Cashew Cream [Vegan] - One Green Planet

How to make Vegan Cashew Cream

Cashew cream is a versatile, creamy substance popular within vegan cuisine, made from raw cashews that have been soaked in water and then blended until they reach a rich, smooth consistency. This dairy-free alternative features prominently in a range of culinary applications, from being a base for sauces and soups to acting as a substitute for cheese and heavy creams in recipes.

The creation of cashew cream is relatively straightforward. The initial and significant step involves soaking the cashews, typically for a few hours and up to overnight, a process that softens them and makes them easier to blend while also enhancing their digestibility. After soaking, the cashews are drained and rinsed, then blended with water until they achieve the desired consistency, which can range from thick and spreadable to light and pourable, depending on the amount of water used.

One notable characteristic of cashew cream is its neutral flavor profile, which makes it a versatile ingredient in the kitchen; it can readily absorb other flavors and spices, lending itself to both sweet and savory dishes. It can be adapted with the addition of sweeteners, such as maple syrup or dates for desserts, or seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, or other herbs for use in savory dishes.

In nutritional terms, cashews are a good source of healthy fats, magnesium, and iron, and when made into a cream, they can provide a satisfying mouthfeel akin to that of traditional dairy creams, making them particularly appealing in a vegan diet where finding rich, palate-pleasing textures can sometimes be a challenge.

Vegan Cashew Cream Recipe

How to Make Cashew Cream [Vegan] - One Green Planet

Vegan Cashew Cream

Vegan cashew cream is a versatile plant-based product that's made by blending cashews with water until it achieves a creamy consistency. This dairy-free alternative to creams made from animal milk has gained popularity within the vegan and lactose-intolerant communities, as well as among those looking to reduce their intake of animal products for health or environmental reasons.
Prep Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Course Sauce
Cuisine Italian
Servings 8 serving
Calories 104 kcal


  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 blender


  • 1 cup roasted cashews
  • 3/4 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • Whisk and mix with salad.


  • Place the cashew in a small bowl, cover with hot water and let it soak for 30 minutes to an hour. You can even soak the cashew ahead of time, overnight, it’s far better that way.
  • Drain the cashews, add to the blender, add the broth and salt to the blender and blend until smooth. Stop and scrap down the sides. Add additional vegetable broth and pulse for few times to reach your desire consistency.
  • Transfer to an air tight container and keep in the fridge, use within a week or in a freezer for months
Keyword kosher salt, roasted cashews, vegetable broth

Cooking Tips about Vegan Cashew Cream

How To Make Cashew Cream [Vegan] One Green Planet, 55% OFF

Vegan cashew cream is a popular dairy-free alternative to creams and sauces typically made with dairy. Its rich texture and versatility make it a staple in many plant-based recipes. When preparing vegan cashew cream, the quality of the cashews is paramount: raw, unsalted cashews are preferred for their neutral taste and creamy potential. To enhance the creaminess, cashews are often soaked in water, which softens them and allows for a smoother blend. Soaking can range from a quick soak in hot water for a few minutes to an overnight soak in cool water, depending on the time available and preferred texture.

The proportion of water to cashews will determine the thickness of the cream. A typical ratio is one part cashews to two parts water for a pourable cream, but this can be adjusted for a thicker or thinner consistency. For a richer flavor, additional elements such as nutritional yeast, garlic, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar can be added.

The blending process is crucial: a high-speed blender will yield the silkiest texture, blending until the cream is completely smooth. If a perfectly smooth consistency is difficult to attain, straining the cream through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer can remove any remaining cashew pieces. Another technique to enhance flavor is to gently heat the cream after blending, which can deepen flavors and create a more cohesive taste if other ingredients have been added.

For those with nut allergies or looking to vary their recipe, seeds like sunflower or hemp can be alternative bases for a cream. Macronutrient adjustment is also possible by manipulating the ratio of cashews (fats) to water, or by adding protein-rich ingredients like silken tofu.

Storage is straightforward: vegan cashew cream can be refrigerated for up to a week and often freezes well, though the texture might change slightly upon thawing, which can sometimes be counteracted by re-blending.

Remember, the beauty of vegan cashew cream lies in its culinary chameleon nature – whether it’s serving as the base for a creamy pasta sauce, a rich soup, a dairy-free cheese alternative, or even in desserts, its transformative properties are only bounded by the imagination of the cook.

Serving suggestions about Vegan Cashew Cream

Simple Cashew Cream - Best Served Vegan

Cashew cream is a popular dairy-free alternative that is versatile, lending itself well to different flavor profiles depending on its intended use. The base for making cashew cream involves soaking raw cashews in water to soften them, then blending them to a smooth, creamy consistency. This process forms a neutral base that can be adapted to various dishes.

For sweet applications, cashew cream can be a base for vegan desserts. It can be sweetened with ingredients like maple syrup, agave nectar, or dates and flavored with vanilla or citrus zests. This sweetened cream works well when spread over cakes, blended into smoothies, or used as a topping for fresh fruit.

In savory dishes, cashew cream serves as an excellent replacement for dairy in sauces and soups. By adding savory elements such as nutritional yeast, garlic, lemon juice, or herbs, it can take on the role of cheese in dishes like vegan macaroni and cheese or alfredo sauce. It can also act as a thickener for creamy soups or stews.

When used in dips or spreads, seasonings like onion powder, smoked paprika, and salt can provide a depth of flavor. This makes it suitable as a spread for sandwiches or a dip for vegetable crudités.

As a dressing, thin the cashew cream with water, vinegar, or lemon juice to the desired consistency. Add herbs and spices to match the salad’s theme – for example, dill or chives for a ranch-like dressing, or cilantro and lime for a Mexican-inspired salad.

For keeping dishes moist, cashew cream can be drizzled or mixed into casseroles or layered dishes like lasagna in place of cheese or white sauce.

Top 5 FAQs about Vegan Cashew Cream

Maple Vanilla Cashew Cream (4-Ingredients) - Okonomi Kitchen

  • How do you make vegan cashew cream? To make vegan cashew cream, one typically soaks raw cashews in water for several hours or overnight to soften them. The soaked cashews are then drained and blended with fresh water until the desired creaminess is achieved. The ratio of water to cashews can be adjusted depending on whether a thicker cream (suitable for dips and spreads) or a thinner cream (for sauces and dressings) is desired. Seasonings and flavorings can be added as needed.
  • What are the nutritional benefits of using cashew cream? Cashew cream is rich in healthy fats, particularly unsaturated fats, which can be good for heart health when consumed in moderation. It’s also a source of protein, essential minerals like magnesium, copper, and zinc, and vitamins, such as vitamin K and some B vitamins. It is also naturally lactose-free and can be made without additives or preservatives, making it a wholesome alternative to manufactured non-dairy creamers.
  • Can you store vegan cashew cream, and if so, how long does it last? Vegan cashew cream can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a week. It may also be frozen for longer storage, but this can affect the texture. If frozen, it’s best used in cooked dishes where the change in texture is less noticeable.
  • Is vegan cashew cream suitable for all dietary restrictions? While vegan cashew cream is suitable for vegan and lactose-intolerant diets, it is not suitable for individuals with nut allergies, particularly cashew allergies. People should also be aware of cashew cream’s calorie content, as it is high due to the natural fats of the nuts, so it should be consumed in moderation within a balanced diet.
  • Can vegan cashew cream be used in cooking and baking? Yes, vegan cashew cream can be used in both cooking and baking. It can serve as a heavy cream substitute in soups, pasta sauces, or curries, and it can be used in desserts such as cheesecakes or mousses. The cream is heat-stable, but it should be added toward the end of the cooking process to prevent separation.

Vegan cashew cream, a popular alternative to dairy cream, is made by blending cashews with water until a smooth, creamy texture is achieved. The cashews are first soaked to soften them, enhancing the texture of the final product. Nutritional yeast or seasonings might be added for flavor, and lemon juice or vinegar can be incorporated to simulate the tang of dairy cream.

The benefits of vegan cashew cream are manifold. It provides a dairy-free option for those with lactose intolerance, allergies, or ethical concerns regarding animal products. Cashews are a good source of healthy fats, specifically unsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. They also contain essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, as well as plant-based protein, which makes vegan cashew cream both nutritious and energizing.

One of the considerations when using or consuming vegan cashew cream is its calorie density due to high fat content. Individuals monitoring their calorie intake or trying to maintain a certain weight might need to consume it in moderation. Additionally, since cashews are tree nuts, they may not be suitable for those with nut allergies.

In culinary uses, vegan cashew cream is versatile. It can be used as a base for sauces, dressings, soups, or desserts, and it is capable of adopting various flavor profiles, from savory to sweet, depending on the additional ingredients used.

Environmental considerations also come into play. Producing vegan cashew cream generally has a smaller carbon footprint than dairy cream production, which could be a factor for those concerned about environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, vegan cashew cream is a nutritious, versatile, and eco-friendlier alternative to dairy cream that can be integrated into a wide range of dishes. However, due to its high fat content and potential allergenic nature, consumers may need to consider their personal dietary needs and restrictions.


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