Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce - The Carrot UndergroundđŸ„•

How to make Low-Fat Vegan Cheese Sauce

Low-fat vegan cheese sauce is an alternative to traditional cheese sauces that are typically made with dairy products. This type of sauce caters to individuals who follow a vegan diet, which excludes animal-derived ingredients, as well as those looking to reduce their fat intake. The motivation for creating such a sauce is often to find a balance between health-conscious eating and satisfying the desire for a creamy, cheese-like flavor experience.

To achieve the cheese-like characteristics without using dairy, low-fat vegan cheese sauces usually rely on a base of vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or cauliflower, which provide the desired consistency. Nutritional yeast is a common ingredient that imparts a cheesy flavor, thanks to its natural umami properties. It is also favored for its nutritional profile, including being a source of B-vitamins.

Additionally, various nuts and seeds, such as cashews or sunflower seeds, can be used, but they would be limited in a low-fat recipe. Spices and flavorings, like garlic, onion powder, mustard, lemon juice, and sometimes miso paste, are incorporated to enhance the depth and complexity of the sauce.

The preparation process typically involves blending the ingredients until smooth, with the desired thickness achieved by adjusting the amount of liquid added—often plant-based milks or water. The resulting sauce is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as pasta, vegetables, or as a dip.

It’s important to note that while low-fat vegan cheese sauces aim to mimic the flavor and texture of cheese, the taste and mouthfeel will not be identical to traditional cheese sauces. However, they provide a suitable culinary experience for those adhering to specific dietary preferences or restrictions.

Low-fat vegan cheese sauce recipe

Easy Vegan Cheese Sauce - The Carrot UndergroundđŸ„•

Low-fat vegan cheese sauce

Low-fat vegan cheese sauce typically aims to replicate the creamy texture and savory flavor of traditional cheese sauce while avoiding animal products and reducing fat content. To achieve this, such sauces often use plant-based ingredients that are lower in fat compared to dairy cheese.
Ingredients for a low-fat vegan cheese sauce often include a base of cooked and pureed vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, or cauliflower, which provide creaminess and body to the sauce with minimal fat. Nutritional yeast is commonly added for a cheesy, umami flavor without the need for actual cheese. Spices and seasonings, such as garlic, onion, mustard powder, and salt, contribute to the depth of flavor. For tanginess reminiscent of dairy-based cheese sauces, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar might be incorporated.
The sauce might be thickened using low-fat thickeners such as cornstarch or arrowroot powder, rather than high-fat ingredients like nuts or oils that are found in some vegan cheese alternatives. Some recipes may use a small number of cashews to achieve creaminess, but for a genuinely low-fat version, these would be limited or omitted entirely.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Sauce
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 serving
Calories 208 kcal


  • 1 bowl of a blender


  • 14 oz white beans cooked (if using canned beans, drain and well rinse)
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper


  • Combine all the ingredients in a bowl of a blender and blend until smooth and creamy
  • Taste and make necessary adjustment as needed. Adding more lemon juice, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper to suite your taste.
  • Serve on veggies, pasta or as you want
  • Store the leftover in an air tight container and keep in the fridge, use within a week.
Keyword soy milk, white beans

Cooking Tips about Low-fat vegan cheese sauce

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  • Choose the base: Opt for a low-fat alternative like steamed cauliflower, cooked white beans, or silken tofu to achieve a creamy texture.
  • Flavor development: Add nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor, along with garlic powder, onion powder, a bit of mustard, and miso paste or tamari soy sauce for umami.
  • Acidity and color: Lemon juice will not only help with tanginess but also preserve the color. You may add a pinch of turmeric for a yellow hue.
  • Thicken the sauce: Incorporate a starch like cornstarch or tapioca flour to mimic the gooey texture of melted cheese.
  • Liquid component: Use vegetable broth to thin the sauce to the desired consistency, providing more flavor than water would.

Cooking Tip: To achieve the best texture for the sauce, blend the ingredients until completely smooth, ideally in a high-speed blender. If the sauce is too thick, adjust it by slowly adding more vegetable broth or water while blending until the desired consistency is reached.

Serving suggestions about Low-Fat Vegan Cheese Sauce

Vegan Cheese Sauce - Healthier Steps

Low-fat vegan cheese sauce is a popular alternative for those looking to enjoy the creamy texture and flavor of cheese without the dairy or high fat content typical of traditional cheese sauces. To create a vegan cheese sauce that is both low in fat and satisfying, a combination of nutritional yeast, plant-based milks, and thickening agents such as starches is often used.

Nutritional yeast plays a vital role in vegan cheese sauces as it provides a rich, cheesy flavor along with a variety of nutrients, such as B-vitamins. It is usually fortified with vitamin B12, which is an important consideration in vegan diets. Plant-based milks like almond, soy, or oat milk can serve as the liquid base for the sauce. For individuals who are allergic or sensitive to nuts or soy, oat milk can be a suitable alternative.

To achieve the creamy texture without the use of fats like oils or nuts, one can incorporate thickeners such as tapioca starch, arrowroot powder, or cornstarch. These starches help to emulate the smooth and viscous quality of traditional cheese sauces. Adding a small amount of a neutral vegetable purée, like cauliflower or butternut squash, can also contribute to the creaminess while adding nutritional value and depth of flavor without excess fat.

Seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, mustard powder, or a splash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice can enhance the flavor and add complexity to the sauce without relying on added oils or fats.

When serving, low-fat vegan cheese sauce can be versatile. It can be drizzled over steamed broccoli or cauliflower, used in a layered vegetable lasagna, folded into a creamy vegan mac and cheese, or used as a dipping sauce for roasted potato wedges or other vegetables. It can also be incorporated into vegan nachos or used as a base for a vegetable pot pie.

To keep the sauce low in fat, one should be mindful to avoid the use of high-fat ingredients such as cashews or coconut milk which are common in some vegan cheese sauce recipes.

Top 5 FAQs about low-fat vegan cheese sauce

5-Minute Vegan Cheese Sauce - Karissa's Vegan Kitchen

  • What are the primary ingredients in low-fat vegan cheese sauce? Typically, low-fat vegan cheese sauces use ingredients like nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor, cashews or other nuts for creamy texture (or sometimes seeds like sunflower for those with nut allergies), and various seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric for color, and salt. Some versions use vegetables like carrots, potatoes, or cauliflower to add bulk and nutrients while reducing fat content.
  • How do I make low-fat vegan cheese sauce? A simple recipe starts by soaking cashews in water for a few hours to soften them unless one opts for a nut-free version using seeds or vegetables. The next step involves blending the soaked cashews or boiled vegetables with nutritional yeast, plant-based milk for creaminess, and seasonings until smooth. The sauce can then be heated gently if desired and used over pasta, vegetables, or as a dip.
  • What is the nutritional profile of low-fat vegan cheese sauce? The nutritional content varies depending on the ingredients used. Typically, it is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than traditional cheese sauce since it is plant-based. It can provide a good source of vitamins, particularly B vitamins from nutritional yeast, and healthy fats if nuts or seeds are included. Some sauces made with vegetables can also be lower in calories and fat while being high in fiber.
  • How does the taste of low-fat vegan cheese sauce compare to traditional cheese sauce? While it is designed to mimic the flavor of cheese, it will not taste identical to dairy cheese sauce. The nutritional yeast and seasonings give it a savory, cheesy flavor that many find satisfying as an alternative. Taste and texture can be adjusted by experimenting with ingredient proportions and additional flavorings.
  • Can low-fat vegan cheese sauce be stored and reheated? Yes, it can typically be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. It may thicken as it cools, so a little extra plant-based milk can be added when reheating to reach the desired consistency.

Low-fat vegan cheese sauces are products typically made from plant-based ingredients that aim to replicate the texture and flavor of traditional cheese sauces while offering a dietary option that is low in fat and free of animal products. To create such sauces, a variety of ingredients and techniques may be used.

The primary base for a low-fat vegan cheese sauce often involves vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or cauliflower which provide a creamy texture once cooked and blended. Nutritional yeast is a standard additive for a cheesy flavor without using actual cheese; it is rich in B-vitamins and provides an umami quality. Spices and seasonings such as garlic, onion powder, salt, and mustard might be used to add depth to the flavor profile. For those aiming to maintain a low-fat content, cashews, which are typically used in vegan cheese recipes for richness, are used sparingly or replaced with other lower fat alternatives.

It’s important to note that while low-fat vegan cheese sauces offer an alternative to those following a vegan diet or those looking for lower-calorie options, the nutritional content can vary widely between recipes. Homemade low-fat vegan cheese sauces can be adjusted to personal taste and specific dietary requirements, whereas commercial products should be evaluated based on their ingredient lists and nutritional labels.

In conclusion, low-fat vegan cheese sauces serve as a versatile option for those seeking to enjoy a cheese-like condiment that aligns with vegan dietary principles as well as for those interested in a lower-fat alternative to traditional cheese sauces. Such sauces can be nutritionally beneficial, especially when made with whole, unprocessed plant foods. However, as with any food product, the final health implications depend on the overall diet and individual nutritional needs.


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